CAROLE LOMBARD - My Favorite Actress

Monday, March 12, 2018

March Madness #12: BURT LANCASTER

Welcome to Day 11 of MARCH MADNESS!
Every day one Super-star will be featured - a star of many types of roles, from really, really B.A.D. to the sweetest-dearest-most darling!
DAY #10 Results: DEBBIE REYNOLD's sweet and dear KATHY SELDON is "Singin' in the Rain" for her win over Peggy Brown in "The Rat Race", 43 - 19 votes.
TODAY the spotlight shines on BURT LANCASTER's. "He-man" Burt was a an actor, with many character roles, all of them memorable that had female hearts a-flutter, and the respect of most every man and boy!
Which do you prefer: LION: rough n' tuff! or LAMB: Sweet & soulful?


Unknown said...

I frickin LOVE that movie..."God, I love this stinking city & all the stinking ppl in it!" "I'd hate to take a bite outta u, Hunsecker, because you're a cookie full of arsenic!" "You have the morals of a gangster!"

Patti said...

I caught "The Sweet Smell of Success" for the first time a couple months ago. Wow, what a fantastic film. Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis were both amazing.


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